
About Us

Building a Live Streaming Community

Get involved in a community that supports its creators while enjoying exciting interactions during your smooth, stress-free live streaming sessions.

Create Your Content

Enjoy a seamless, simplified experience when streaming from anywhere, whether you’re at home or traveling.

Connect From Anywhere

Show your face to the rest of the world while engaging in the most valuable discussions via live stream.

How We Arrived Here

The concept of “LiveCirkit” started one day  from a thought that I had when I was practicing some coding and ran into some issues trying to figure out why my code was not working.  As usual I’d go through Google searches, YouTube channels, etc. trying to find out where I went wrong and how to resolve my issue.  As a beginning developer I was told the best way to find out how something works is to research, but I wanted more.  I thought to myself why isn’t there a readily available at any time to connect with someone and discuss my questions. At the same time live video was on the rise and streaming was on the way of becoming very dominant in the near future.  

​So I thought why not create a space where other people like me can go and access a plethora of other people to  create a community where we can communicate in real time and be able to monetize the content that is being created.  Our solution is “LiveCirkit” where people can come for the community and have a platform to engage with users via live streaming.

Easily create custom videos and upload them directly to the platform within minutes.

Build friendships and take advantage of new and exciting chances to network with other creators on the platform.

Interact more often to increase engagement between yourself and your followers while creating personalized sessions with various people.